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Grass Fed Lamb 

All our lamb is:​ 100% Grass-Fed

•No Pesticides •No GMOs •No Irradiation •No MSG •No Nitrates •No Preservatives

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At Good Earth Organic Farm, our lamb grazes on pastures that are never treated with pesticides, herbicides or commercial fertilizers. They eat our organic grass and hay, and fertilize our fields; no GMO feed, grains, or hormones are involved. We exclusively use a local, family-owned Animal Welfare approved facility for processing our lamb. We care for our sheep, not just raise them.

     The foundation of a pasture-based farming operation is raising grass. Having ruminants that thrive on grass not only provides satisfied healthy meat, but when properly managed, also improves the quality and quantity of the pasture itself. When you stop by the farm you can see this management concept at work.

The key to our operation is providing the sheep with a fresh section of pasture each and every day. Variously called strip grazing or intensive grazing, the daily move provides high nutrition, efficient spreading of all-natural fertilizer, an effective means of parasite control, and also allows the grass an appropriate rest between grazings.

Little info lamb cuts

Info about lamb cuts

Lamb chops come in different varieties.  They are an easy way to portion lamb into individual serving sizes.  Loin, rib and shoulder chops are all chops but have different qualities.  Rib chops have the highest bone to meat ratio but are usually the most tender chop, especially on a grass-fed animal. Loin chops have more meat than an equal size rib chop but are not as tender.  Shoulder chops are larger and have small portions of bone. Chops are great in a crockpot,  baked in the oven, as with all 100% grass-fed meats. Care must be taken not to overheat and dry out the meat.  We suggest that you marinate chops destined for the grill and do not overcook them.   
Lamb leg and shoulder roasts go well with all sorts of veggies.  100% grass-fed lamb has "good" grass-fed fats, CLAs, and protein. Our breed of choice is the Katahdin Hair Sheep, which is known for its delicate taste and mild flavor.

Want to give your dog something they'll love? Feed your dog raw bones and/or organ meats. They'll love them! Try our 100% grass-fed lamb soup bones, liver, heart or kidney.  Also, many of our certified organic vegetables can be an excellent addition to the diet of lizards, hamsters, rabbits, birds, fish, and other animals!  

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