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Good Earth Organic Farm

Community Supported Agriculture 2021 Member Agreement   

“Where soil is rich, nutrients are abundant, water is clean, community is thriving and earth is fertile, this is the true wealth.”


What is a CSA

A CSA is a buying club where members buy a share in what the farmer will produce that year. This allows the farm to concentrate on farming instead of marketing his produce.  A more detail explanation of a CSA can be found on the Local Harvest website

Farm work

We do not require you to work on the farm but it is encourage. Working in the garden will benefit your mind and body.


Pick up Your share

When you arrive at the farm to pick up your produce park at our farm store. There you will find the week’s garden offerings. As of now we have farm pick up only, but plan on organizing the members to pick up for each other. We want to cut down on fossil fuel consumption.


Recommended farm gear

  • Harvest basket or reusable bags to carry your vegetables home

  • Closed toe footwear or boots

  • Hat long sleeve shirt

  • Gardening tools if you have them (Can be provided at the farm)

  • Sun Screen

  • Plenty of water


Farm Hazards

This is a working farm and there are many hazards. We will have some restricted areas. We ask that you set clear expectations with your children regarding this farm rule. Safety for you and your family is our main concern. If you spot something that you feel is unsafe let us know and we will look into it.

Scheduling your work day

Use our online calendar to schedule the day and time you can work on our farm


Risks & Rewards

Farming is not a certain thing. The weather is usually your greatest threat. You can know a whole lot about farming but you must also be lucky. Members join with the farmers in the possible risks of farming (flooding, drought, pests, disease). There is the sharing of a bountiful growing season. Thank you for your trust and faith in us as we continue to farm


Cancellations & Refund Policy

The financial investment you make in the farm sets in motion a cascade of crop planning, seed ordering, transplanting, and hiring to ensure that we grow what we have promised you in exchange for your investment and support. For this reason, membership is not refundable, but we would be very happy to see your membership transferred to friends, family, or neighbors. If you are unable to continue and would like to transfer your membership, please send an email to to let us know that someone else is coming in your place. We ask that your substitute reads our website description of the CSA and this Membership Agreement before they arrive so they know what to expect and understand safety precautions.


Growing Practices

There are many good farming practices out there and I use a combination of many. Our goal is to grow our food in a way that protects our precious shared resources so they will be here for the next generations. We have been working hard to build healthy soil and rotate crops. If you have any specific questions about our growing practices, please ask. We were first certified organic by the state of Texas in 1984.


What is in a share

I plan on having at least 5 to 7 different items each week. The size of share is what we feel two people will eat in one week. I want members to be satisfied with their portions and come back next year. Growing the produce is the easiest part of this CSA. Feedback is very important. This is a startup project and I want to start with a few members so it will be easy to work any bugs out.



Member Pledge

I understand that as a member of the CSA I share in the risks of farming and the possibility of both crop failure and crop abundance.

I agree to be responsible for the safety of myself, my children, and any guests while we are on the farm. I understand this is a working farm with real tools, tractors, fencing, etc. and I agree to keep myself and my children out of restricted areas and off the equipment as a safety measure.

I am aware of safe outdoor practices for enjoyment of the farm- wearing good footwear, staying hydrated, using sun protection.

I understand this is a small family farm seeking to serve its community. Knowing that the farmer is making all reasonable efforts to keep the farm safe for all. I agree to hold Good Earth Organic Farm, its farmers, employees, or volunteers harmless for any injuries to myself or my children while on the farm.

I’m in for better or worse in this fall 2021 CSA. Joining with a community of folks who care about good food and this good earth!



Signature: ___________________________     


Printed Name: ________________________


Date: __________


Home address______________________________________




Phone: ___________________________



Email: _______________________________

Join our CSA. (A buying club.) Where you buy directly from the farmer

Small group (20) members

We will have a meeting to meet each other and decide what and how much to grow. I try to provide at least 5-7 different veggies per week, fruits plus fresh herbs each week.

Divide what is grown with all the members.

When there is an abundance, we will use my State certified kitchen to can, ferment and preserve. Classes available.  

If there is left over produce, we will take it to the food bank.

Work share CSA. Members should work at least 4 hours per month in the garden. Working in the garden will be good for your mind and body.

$33.00 per week for 3 months $ 435. Then another 3 months and then another for a long time.

If interested $50. now and the remainder at the end of July. Working in the garden will start just as soon as the rain lets up.


Farm is located outside of Celeste, Tx. 75423


Thank you for your interest.  903-496-2070 Paul

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